Liza Tucker

Consumer Advocate with Consumer Watchdog


Advocate at Consumer Watchdog, focused on the environment and toxics

Liza Tucker on KCRW

The recycling system is rampant with fraud and is costing consumers tens of millions of dollars a year, according to Consumer Watchdog.

It’s time to make CA’s fraudulent recycling run properly: Consumer Watchdog

The recycling system is rampant with fraud and is costing consumers tens of millions of dollars a year, according to Consumer Watchdog.

from Greater LA

2019 was a bad year for recycling in California. Hundreds of recycling centers closed. That’s where you go to redeem bottles and cans for five or 10 cents each.

To improve recycling, state legislature wants beverage companies to take back their own containers

2019 was a bad year for recycling in California. Hundreds of recycling centers closed. That’s where you go to redeem bottles and cans for five or 10 cents each.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

California Governor Jerry Brown has positioned himself as a leader in fighting climate change.

How green is Governor Brown?

California Governor Jerry Brown has positioned himself as a leader in fighting climate change.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

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LA resident Josh Morgerman, star of the TV show “Hurricane Man,” built a second home in Mississippi to see powerful storms up-close.

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A guide to effectively providing aid of all kinds to communities and individuals impacted by the fires.

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Four years after protesters called to defund the police, voters worried about crime are poised to toss out a reformer D.A. and pass a tough-on-crime bill.

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Voters will have the chance to raise the state minimum wage to $18 with Prop 32. Wages are usually a hot topic in the state, but campaign spending is low.

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Legal advocates are helping families with mixed immigration status make guardianship plans for their children, just in case the adults are detained by immigration authorities.

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A commuter train that emits only water vapor will start carrying SoCal passengers in early 2025. State officials have already ordered 10 more.

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A life-threatening and destructive windstorm sparked at least two fires in SoCal on Tuesday, prompting evacuations and some power shut-offs.

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Botanist and author Robin Wall Kimmerer discusses her new book “The Serviceberry,” explaining how this plant serves as a metaphor for living in a “gift economy.”

from Life Examined

Body disposition can have a major environmental impact. That’s partly why 12 states and counting have legalized human composting in the past five years.

from KCRW Features