Leslie Jamison

author of “Splinters: Another Kind of Love Story”


Leslie Jamison on KCRW

Leslie Jamison, writer and author of  “Splinters: Another Kind of Love Story,” reflects on the end of her marriage months after the birth of her daughter.

Splintering: When a divorce and first child arrive together

Leslie Jamison, writer and author of “Splinters: Another Kind of Love Story,” reflects on the end of her marriage months after the birth of her daughter.

from Life Examined

In a new memoir, Leslie Jamison writes about ending her marriage and the demands of becoming a solo parent while balancing her career. It’s a story of simultaneous joy and grief.

In ‘Splinters,’ Leslie Jamison explores ‘space of grief and freedom’

In a new memoir, Leslie Jamison writes about ending her marriage and the demands of becoming a solo parent while balancing her career. It’s a story of simultaneous joy and grief.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

Writer Leslie Jamison talks about her alcoholism, and how she tries -- as a writer -- to make the recovery story as interesting as the addiction story.

What is the nature of addiction?

Writer Leslie Jamison talks about her alcoholism, and how she tries -- as a writer -- to make the recovery story as interesting as the addiction story.

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

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