David van Biema

Senior religion writer for Time magazine


David van Biema on KCRW

Just how did the family behind Hobby Lobby become the poster child for religious freedom and the Affordable Care Act?

Hobby Lobby Family

Just how did the family behind Hobby Lobby become the poster child for religious freedom and the Affordable Care Act?

from Press Play with Madeleine Brand

Rick Warren  is author of  The Purpose Driven Life , which has sold some 30 million copies worldwide.

Obama, McCain and Pastor Warren

Rick Warren is author of The Purpose Driven Life , which has sold some 30 million copies worldwide.

from To the Point

In September, Pope Benedict XVI made a  controversial speech  quoting a Byzantine emperor who attacked Islam as a violent religion.

Pope Benedict XVI, Mending Fences in Turkey

In September, Pope Benedict XVI made a controversial speech quoting a Byzantine emperor who attacked Islam as a violent religion.

from To the Point

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