There's what happened, and there's the story that gets told about what happened. Sometimes the two things don't match up very well. Learn more at This American Life.
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Becoming a badger
CultureThis week, stories about people trying their best to turn themselves into something else—like a badger.
Human Error
CultureEven the best laid plans can go catastrophically wrong when humans get involved.
Our town, part two
CultureIn hour two from Albertville, Alabama, we head into town, where a wave of immigrants has transformed the place.
Our town
CultureThe man whose views on immigration are the cornerstone of Trump administration policy — Attorney General Jeff Sessions — apparently came to his opinions on the issue from seeing what…
My undesirable talent
CultureSpider-Man and other people with talents that cause them pain and suffering.
CultureThe story of Harold Washington, the greatest politician you've probably never heard of, and the political race war he set off when he became Chicago's first black mayor.
Once more, with feeling
CultureStories of people who decide to rethink the way they've been doing things ... or try to get others to do that.
So a monkey and a horse walk into a bar
CultureThis week, blurring the line between animal and human.
More from KCRW
United Talent Agency gets a new CEO and Village Roadshow goes bankrupt
EntertainmentCan new leadership finally cure United Talent Agency of its “middle child syndrome?”
Invasive plants make fires worse. Can they be stopped?
EnvironmentInvasive plants are overrunning the Santa Monica Mountains, making fires more destructive and more frequent. Thus, conservationists are trying to grow more native species.
Baobab trees, spiritual deities, US-Mexico confluence: Latest art in LA
ArtsThree must-see art exhibitions up now are “Charles Gaines: Numbers and Trees, The Tanzania Baobabs,” “Tau Lewis: Spirit Level,” and “Hugo Crosthwaite: Ex-voto.”