Frightened Rabbit

Frightened Rabbit



Scottish indie rock band

Frightened Rabbit on KCRW

Scottish indie rock purveyors Frightened Rabbit further perfect their gloomy yet grandiose style on their fourth full length, Painting of a Panic Attack.

Frightened Rabbit

Scottish indie rock purveyors Frightened Rabbit further perfect their gloomy yet grandiose style on their fourth full length, Painting of a Panic Attack.

from Morning Becomes Eclectic

Scottish band Frightened Rabbit have created one of Jason Bentley's favorite albums of the year...

Frightened Rabbit

Scottish band Frightened Rabbit have created one of Jason Bentley's favorite albums of the year...

from Morning Becomes Eclectic

USA Today calls Scotland's Frightened Rabbit a "must-see act" and we'll get a chance to experience their anthemic, stadium-sized rock when they join Morning Becomes Eclectic for a live set at 11:15am.

Frightened Rabbit

USA Today calls Scotland's Frightened Rabbit a "must-see act" and we'll get a chance to experience their anthemic, stadium-sized rock when they join Morning Becomes Eclectic for a live set at 11:15am.

from Morning Becomes Eclectic

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