Wrapping up the California Elections

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It'll be California's earliest primary ever, and election officials are predicting one of the state's lowest turnouts. Although the Republican nomination for Governor is the only high-profile issue, there are eight other statewide offices up for grabs, along with ballot propositions and nominations for Congress and the State Legislature. Dan Walters of The Sacramento Bee, Carla Marinucci of the San Francisco Chronicle, and George Skelton of the Los Angeles Times take a last look at Proposition 42's once-and-future gas tax, the Republican gubernatorial race, and how Proposition 45 could produce a swap between San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown and State Senator John Burton.
  • Reporter's Notebook: LA's 2nd Council District and Proposition Q
    Although Valley secession and control of the LA City Council aren't on the ballot, the LA Weekly's Mark Haefele says they will be important in tomorrow's election. He looks at Proposition Q, one of the few things about which Mayor Jim Hahn and LA Police Chief Bernard Parks agree, and the 2nd District race between Wendy Greuel and Tony Cardenas, whose winner will help determine the Council's future make-up.

California Elections and Voter Information

Los Angeles City Elections

LA's Proposition Q; Charter Amendment R

LA Weekly

Los Angeles Times

The Sacramento Bee

San Francisco Chronicle



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton