- Making News: Many Thousands March in Baghdad in Support of Hezbollah
Many thousands of Shiite Iraqis marched on the streets of Baghdad today, shouting "Death to Israel, Death to America" in a show of support for Hezbollah in Lebanon. Borzou Daragahi, Baghdad Bureau Chief for the LA Times, was in Kurdistan today and told us how different it is from the rest of Iraq. He also had an update on the demonstration, where Western reporters were not allowed and had to depend on stringers. - Reporter's Notebook: The Collapse of the Doha World Trade Talks
The Doha Round of trade talks started in Doha, Qatar after September 11, as a way the industrialized world could counter Islamic terrorism by helping the poorest nations. Last week the talks collapsed. Mary Robinson, former President of Ireland and former UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, now heads Realizing Rights, which calls itself the Ethical Globalization Initiative. She discusses the failure of the trade talks and what it means not just for the world's poorest countries but for security in the US and Europe.
Los Angeles Times' article on Iraqi demonstration supporting Hezbollah
Associated Press article on Israel's latest incursions into Lebanon
Economist analysis on Middle East conflict
Daily Star article on Prime Minister Siniora seeing little chance of early peace