- Making News: Mayor Villaraigosa Names New Airport Commissioners
Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa has appointed his second major board of advisors. The Police Commission was first. Today, it's the Airport Commission, including Valeria Velasco, who is suing the commission on which she will now sit. David Zahniser broke that story for the Daily Breeze and the Copley News Service. - Reporter's Notebook: Journalists to Honor TV News Reporter Stan Chambers
TV news has spawned a profession where reporters and anchors switch stations on a regular basis. Other appear with a burst of publicity only to mysteriously disappear. But Stan Chambers has been on KTLA for so long--58 years, they've named a building after him at Channel 5. Generations of viewers remember the stories he's covered. On Saturday, the Society of Professional journalists will be giving a lifetime achievement award to Chambers.
Mayor Villaraigosa to name Valeria Velasco to airport commission
Alliance for a Regional Solution to Airport Congestion
Board of Airport Commissioners
Zahniser-s article on lawyer suing over LAX being named to Airport Panel
Miller v California Department of Corrections, California Supreme Court on