Since they first arrived in the US more than 100 years ago, Sikhs have experienced brutal discrimination. Since September 11, they've been subject to scorn and retaliation. Now six have died along with a gunman, after a shooting spree in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. Others are on the critical list. Investigators are trying to determine why Wade Michael Page shot up the Sikh house of worship. We hear from a man who knew him as part of the hate music scene and raise some disturbing questions about American intolerance of a major world religion.
Hate, Terrorism, and America's Religious Pluralism
- Don Walker - Milwaukee Journal Sentinel - @DonWalkerJS
- Pete Simi - Chapman University
- Brian Levin - director of the Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino - @proflevin
- Rajdeep Singh - Sikh Coalition - @sikh_coalition
- Vijay Prashad - Trinity College - @vijayprashad
- Paul Raushenbush - Huffington Post - @raushenbush