Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is in Mexico today to shore up relations with Mexican President Felipe Calderón at a time when US relations with Mexico have never been more complex. As the United States is speeding hundreds of federal agents to the Mexican border as part of an ambitious new plan to prevent the drug cartels' surging violence from spilling over into the US, tensions continue on NAFTA, the recession in the US has hit hard in Mexico, and illegal immigration remains a hot button of American politics. Is President Obama's next foreign crisis next door? With a bloody drug war raging out of control, is Mexico a failed state?
Can the US Mend Fences while Building Fences?
- Ken Ellingwood - Los Angeles Times
- Andres Rozental - veteran career diplomat in Mexico
- Andrew Selee - Woodrow Wilson Center / Johns Hopkins University - @SeleeAndrew
- Elisabeth Malkin - Writer, New York Times
- Daniel Lund - President, MUND Americas