Los Angeles Mayor Richard Riordan

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Although his career as Mayor of Los Angeles will end when James Hahn is sworn in on Monday, 71-year old Richard Riordan may not be ready for political retirement. He's just returned from Washington, where President Bush and White House aides have again reportedly encouraged him to challenge Gray Davis in next year's gubernatorial campaign. Tonight, in his last week at City Hall, we'll talk to the Mayor about his legacy in Los Angeles and his possible future statewide.
  • Newsmaker: Gas Prices and Red Line Ridership Hikes - Last month, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority enjoyed its greatest increase ever in Red Line riders from the San Fernando Valley to Hollywood. The MTA's Jim de La Loza credits increased speed and economy as reasons. In an attempt to further increase ridership, the MTA is working to reroute busses to better interface with rail.

LA-area Park and Ride

Metro Rail

Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Mayor of Los Angeles



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton