A decade ago, oil prices hovered near $20 a barrel and national
security experts talked about missiles not pipelines. But the war in
Iraq, instability in the Middle East and soaring energy demand have
made oil an unsettling global issue. Today, as the US finds itself
competing with China to lock up new oil supplies, oil prices hover near
$100 a barrel,
hurting US consumers but sending hundreds of billions of dollars to
Venezuela and Iran, which have become major irritants to Washington.
How is this flood of petro-dollars affecting American security? How is
the US economy coping? Can the US ever cut its oil dependence? How have
surging oil prices rearranged global politics?
High Oil Prices Shifting Global Wealth and Power
- Anne Korin - Institute for the Analysis of Global Security
- Aaron Friedberg - Professor of Politics and International Affairs, Princeton University
- Kenneth Rogoff - Harvard University - @krogoff
- Philip Verleger - PKVerleger - @pkverlegerllc