The presidential campaign is focused on American voters, but the President is the commander-in-chief and the architect of foreign policy. How does the idea of "European-style socialism" go down in France and Germany? How do Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich and other Republican hopefuls sound in China, Israel, Iran and other parts of the world?
America's Presidential Campaign through Foreign Eyes
- Uri Friedman - Uri Friedman, managing editor at the Atlantic Council and a contributing writer at The Atlantic - @UriLF
- Dominique Moïsi - French Institute of International Relations / College of Europe - @IFRI_
- Karsten Voigt - German Council of Foreign Relations
- Suisheng 'Sam' Zhao - University of Denver - @UofDenver
- Borzou Daragahi - BuzzFeed News - @borzou
- Shmuel Rosner - Jerusalem Journal - @rosnersdomain