topic: Air Resource Board to launch So. Cal. ozone study
Gun Bans
George Skelton: Sacramento based columnist for the Los Angeles Times. Don Perata: Assemblyman (D-Alameda); author of a generic assault weapon ban that goes further than both federal restrictions and the state's landmark 1989 law that sought to prohibit such semi-automatic weapons. It narrowly passed the Assembly and is given good chances in the Senate. Richard Mountjoy: State Senator (R-29 San Gabriel Valley); generally an opponent of gun control legislation. Louis Caldera: State Assemblyman (D-Los Angeles); author of AB 488 which would ban manufacture and sale of Saturday night specials and other so-called junk guns. Garren Wintemute, MD: Emergency room physician and director of the Violence Prevention Research Program at UC Davis. Author of report on Southern California gun manufacturers, called "Ring of Fire". Jim Waldorf: Owner and president of Lorcin Engineering (in Mira Loma). Lewis Tolley: Western Regional Director, Handgun Control and the Center to Prevent Handgun Violence. Sandi Webb: Member of the Simi Valley City Council; outspoken advocate of the right to bear arms. Rich varenchik: Spokesman for the California Air Resources Board.Susan Belden: Editor of the No Load Fund Analyst, one of the highest ranked mutual fund newsletters.