Governor Schwarzenegger Signs State Budget

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Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the budget today-- $117.5 billion--only 11 days into the new fiscal year. That, in recent years, is some kind of record. Ed Mendel, Capitol Bureau Chief for the San Diego Union-Tribune has more.
  • Making News: Toddler Dies during Gun Fight with LAPD
    On Sunday, near 104th and Avalon in South-Central Los Angeles, an LAPD SWAT team engaged in a lengthy shoot-out with 35 year-old Jose Raul Pe-a. After one officer was struck in the shoulder, 11 returned fire and Pe-a was killed. So was his 18 month-old daughter, who police say Pe-a used as a "shield." Mayor Villaraigosa has responded to community outrage by saying he grieves for the mother who lost her child and for the officers, who are said to be "traumatized" because of the baby's death. This afternoon, Chief William Bratton spoke to reporters. We hear from Bratton and others on the use of force by police.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Orange County's PBS TV Station May Get Religion
    In June, 2004 Orange County's Coast Community College District sold KOCE Public TV to a foundation made up of business and community leaders. Last month, a state appeals court canceled the deal, accusing District trustees of "the rankest form of favoritism" for ignoring a better offer, which came from the Christian broadcaster Daystar of Dallas, Texas. We hear more from Richard Sherman, attorney for Daystar, and Mel Rogers, General Manager of KOCE.

Budget Act of 2005 (SB 77)

Governor Schwarzenegger signs state budget

SD Union-Tribune article on Governor signing California budget

Daystar TV Network v KOCE, California Appeals Court on

Coast Community College District Trustees finalize sale of KOCE



Warren Olney


Frances Anderton