Charter Reform
KEVIN STARR: California State Librarian and California Historian, author of a recent LA Times editorial entitled "The Dangers of Thinking Small." BENNETT KAYSER: Commissioner for the 13th District and Chairperson for the Committee on a more Responsive City Government with an Involved Citizenry, a subcommittee of the elected charter commission. RAPHE SONNENSHEIN: Executive Director, Commission on Charter Reform JULIE BUTCHER: President of the Service Employees International Union 347 CAROL SCHATZ: President and chief executive officer of the Central City Association, a 73 year old business advocacy organization representing the downtown business community and others across the city. ROMEROL MALVEAUX: Resident and Member of the 8th Council District Empowerment Congress, a neighborhood advisory council to councilman Mark Ridley Thomas. GORDON MURLEY: President of two umbrella homeowners groups, the federation of Hillside and Canyon Associations and the San Fernando Valley Federation. ROBIN KRAMER: Outgoing Deputy Mayor. MICHAEL SHUMAN: An attorney and co-director of the Institute for Policy Studies. Author of "Going Local: Creating Self-Reliant Communities in a Golden Age."