- Making News: Governor, Dems Run Out of Time on Infrastructure Bond Measure
The last day for the legislature to put a massive public-works bond on the June ballot supposedly was Friday, but the legislature spent Saturday trying--and failing--to do it. Today, Governor Schwarzenegger today asked for a last-ditch effort. Dan Walters is a columnist for the Sacramento Bee.
Affordable Housing and Southern California's Middle Class
The median income in Southern California is around $55,000; a so-called "affordable" house for a family of three or four making that much money is $175,000. In the nation's hottest real estate market, moderate incomes--including those of cops, firefighters and teachers--just aren't enough to buy middle-class homes close to work. That means lower standards of living or long hours on the freeway. What's being done to make cities "sustainable?" Will new families have to lower their expectations about where they live? We hear from architect and city planners who are trying to help create affordable urban housing.