In February a man was shot 17 times while protecting his 2-year old granddaughter. She was unharmed. But he was killed, and a wild shoot out took place among gang members, some using AK-47’s, and between gang members and the LAPD. It all came down in a Northeast Los Angeles neighborhood long dominated by the Drew Street clique of the Avenues Gang. Today, 500 local, state and federal officers swarmed in to serve warrants on 70 people charged with federal crimes.
Major Crackdown on the Avenues Gang
- Sergio Diaz - Deputy Chief of the LAPD, Commanding Officer of Operation Central Bureau
- Thomas O'Brien - United States Attorney in Los Angeles
- Sam Quinones - journalist and author of “The Least of Us: True Tales of America and Hope in the Time of Fentanyl and Meth” - @samquinones7