- Making News: NAACP Criticizes Republicans
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is officially nonpartisan, but leaders at this week-s annual convention have excoriated President Bush for not showing up and the Republican Party for -the politics of racial division.- The NAACP convention is in Philadelphia, where Vernon Clark is covering it for the Inquirer. - Reporter's Notebook: Groupthink Seen as Culprit in the Move to War
Students of policy say fateful decisions involving Cuba's Bay of Pigs, the Vietnam War, and space shuttle Challenger were based, in part, on -Groupthink.- Now, the Senate Intelligence Committee blames it for the Bush administration-s decisions on Iraq. Even some Republican Senators say if they-d known before what the Committee has reported, they might not have approved the invasion. New Yorker columnist James Surowiecki is the author of The Wisdom of Crowds.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
Chairman Bond's speech at the 2004 NAACP Convention
Clark's article on NAACP-Republican rift
Irving Janus' Victims of Groupthink