The conflict in Iraq is now the third longest war in America's history. For tens of thousands of US soldiers and countless Iraqis it's a matter of life and death. But America's newspapers and broadcasters have now reduced Iraq and Afghanistan to just 3% of the stories they are reporting. Is it too dangerous for Western reporters? Is it too expensive? Conversely, has a decreased level of violence made it a non-story? Has the taxpaying, patriotic American audience lost interest? Why do the presidential primaries get so much more attention?
Iraq News and Your Evening News
- Kimberly Dozier - Daily Beast / CNN - @KimberlyDozier
- Tom Rosenstiel - Executive Director, American Press Institute - @TomRosenstiel
- Sherry Ricchiardi - Senior Contributing Writer, American Journalism Review
- Abderrahim Foukara - Managing Editor, Al Jazeera Arabic News