To the Point Trump, Russia and rabbit holes Hosted by Warren Olney Mar. 13, 2017 National Listen 52 min MORE Photo: Vladimir Putin (Kremlin Press Office) and Donald Trump (Michael Vadon) From this Episode: Dutch elections: In some ways, Geert Wilders has already won Dutch voters go to the polls on Wednesday, and one candidate for Prime Minister is Geert Wilders, a populist with controversial views on Islam and immigration. His... 7 min Trump and Russia: A real scandal or a diversion? Just after the President accused Barack Obama of "wiretapping" Trump Tower, WikiLeaks dumped a massive database revealing CIA hacking. Coincidence? Now, conservatives are... 35 min Federal court rules Texas redistricting discriminatory Last Friday, a federal court issued a bombshell decision in Texas: three Congressional districts were intentionally drawn to discriminate against black and Latinos and to... 9 min Credits Host: Warren Olney Producers: Katie Cooper, Yael Even Or, Luke Vander Ploeg