- Newsmaker: Civilian Bombing in Afghanistan
There are conflicting reports over the bombing of a house in the Afghan town of Bagram today. While the US claims its warplanes initiated the attack after American forces in the area came under fire, local eyewitnesses say the bombs killed scores of guests attending a wedding. Michael O'Hanlon, senior foreign policy fellow at the Brookings Institution, considers the contradictory possibilities of pilot error and terrorist strategy. - Reporter's Notebook: World Cup and Geopolitics
Every four years, the world seems to slow down a bit as millions of people around the globe tune into soccer's championship games. This year's 17th World Cup was filled with surprises, upsets and a fifth victory for Brazil. Dominique Moisi, deputy director of France's Institute of International Relations, looks back at this year's games and what its surprising events tell us about our global village.
Defense Department's News Release
1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act
Immigration and Naturalization Service/US Border Patrol