Two years ago New York City, 200 fast food workers demanded a minimum wage of $15 an hour. They started something. Since then, legal minimums have been raised in red states as well as blue. The current federal floor is $7.25, and President Obama has proposed $10.10. Democrats in Congress are now pushing a federal floor of $12 an hour. Some Republican presidential hopefuls are talking about working class beginnings and cheap off-the-rack sweaters. Are we seeing a political movement? With voters still suffering in the aftermath of the Recession, we look at how income inequality is emerging as a major issue in next year’s campaign.
The Minimum Wage, Income Inequality and Presidential Politics
- Paul Waldman - columnist for MSNBC - @paulwaldman1
- Ken Jacobs - University of California, Berkeley - @kjacobs9
- Ross Kaminsky - Heartland Institute - @Rossputin
- Susan Milligan - US News and World Report - @MilliganSusan