To the Point The 'American Dream:' Does it have a future? Hosted by Warren Olney and Barbara Bogaev Dec. 23, 2016 National Listen 51 min MORE Photo: Daniel Lobo From this Episode: Obama Administration pushes last-minute environment regulations President Obama is taking advantage of these last weeks of his administration to shore up his legacy on the environment. On Monday the administration finalized a rule that... 7 min The 'American Dream:' Does it have a future? The "American Dream" has been defined as an increased standard of living from generation to generation. It's when children make better pay, own more property and enjoy... 33 min Behind the lens, capturing 'slaughter' in the Philippines A new level of ruthlessness is being encouraged and sanctioned by the President of the Philippines. 10 min Credits Hosts: Warren Olney, Barbara Bogaev Producer: Evan George