Do Techies Live in a Bubble?

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Silicon Valley is the epicenter of tech innovation, creating the infrastructure for the virtual universe so much of the real world now lives in. It's also creating a real-world elite of millionaires and billionaires who can be hard to live with. Consider the transformation of San Francisco. High rents, private bus systems and exclusive clubs are crowding out artists, families and middle-class workers. Long-time residents say a place famous for tolerance and diversity is losing itself to self-centered nerds with too much money and not enough social conscience. When Twitter made its public offering last November, 150 demonstrators protested outside its office. Their signs had phrases including, "People Not Profit" and, "We're the Public, What Are You Offering?" Are other cities prepared for an influx of wealthy, young technocrats looking for action they can't find in the suburbs? 




Warren Olney