In yesterday's primaries, party frontrunners won. Many voters lost. A record number of New Yorkers complained about delays and glitches, not to mention anger at closed primary rules. Four times as many calls about voting problems poured into the national voter hotline than did in 2012. Frustration is building from Arizona to Wisconsin, over long lines, budget cuts, incompetence and restrictions. Thirty-three states have strict new voter ID laws after a 2013 Supreme Court ruling that struck down key parts of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. Are voters already feeling the loss of the full protection of that landmark law of the civil rights movement?
Chaos and Disenfranchisement at the Polls
- Berman on 27% of NY's registered voters not being able to vote in state primary
- Berman on black man with 3 forms of ID being denied the vote in Wisconsin
- Pstross on move to urge state, local election officials to act after Arizona Election Crisis
- Waldman on how the Supreme Court made a mess of our voting system
- Ari Berman - voting rights reporter for Mother Jones, author of “Minority Rule: The Right-Wing Attack on the Will of the People ― and the Fight to Resist It” - @AriBerman
- Michael Waldman - New York University - @mawaldman
- Derek Muller - Pepperdine University - @derektmuller
- Samantha Pstross - Arizona Advocacy Network - @AZadvocacy