American and European diplomats are trying to ease a potentially dangerous crisis, claiming Russia has illegally taken control of Crimea, which belongs to Ukraine. Vladimir Putin insists he hasn't sent any troops in yet — and that what's illegal is Ukraine's new regime, which overthrew an elected leader. The US has offered a $1 billion loan guarantee. The EU announced an aid package worth $15 billion in cash and infrastructure assistance. The IMF is already negotiating terms in Kiev. What the US wants most is for Russian diplomats to meet with those from Ukraine. Does Putin already have what he wants or has he made a strategic error? As the US and European Union try to craft a response, is Germany on board? We look at the economic, diplomatic and military options for an uneasy alliance against a Russian President with a very different view of the world.
What Will Vladimir Putin Do Next?
- Judah's 'Fragile Empire: How Russia Fell In and Out of Love with Vladimir Putin'
- Kupchan's 'How Enemies Become Friends: The Sources of Stable Peace'
- Roger Cohen on Putin's Crimean crime
- Secretary Kerry's remarks at top of Tripartite Agreement Ministerial
- Solomon on the US flexing its muscles amid diplomatic flurry over Ukraine
- Jay Solomon - global security editor, Semafor - @WSJSolomon
- Sophia Opatska - CEO, Lviv Business School, Ukrainian Catholic University - @_LvBS_
- Ben Judah - Journalist, contributor at Politico Europe - @b_judah
- Charles Kupchan - senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and professor of international affairs at Georgetown University - @CFR_org
- Edward Lozansky - American University in Moscow - @EdwardLozansky
- Nicholas Burns - Harvard Kennedy School of Government - @RNicholasBurns