Right-wing US terrorists go global as Janet Yellen copes with climate crisis

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Alt-right members preparing to enter Emancipation Park holding Nazi, Confederate, and Gadsden "Don't Tread on Me" flags, August 2017. Photo by Anthony Crider/Wikicommons

America’s right-wing extremists are going global, and it’s not just on the internet. Some have joined the fight between the government of Ukraine and separatists backed by Russia. “There’s a growing connection amongst the groups — — operational, financial and ideological,” says ProPublica’s Sebastian Rotella.

He says U.S. websites have spawned terrorist acts from Norway to New Zealand, and now white American nationalists  are visiting “neo-Nazi concerts and martial arts exhibitions” in Western Europe, where extremists from different countries emulate each other’s  ideas.  

Meanwhile, American extremist groups are intentionally trying to recruit active members of the U.S. Capitol police, law enforcement departments around the country, and especially veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam wars. 

In the second part of this episode, former World Bank Vice President Rachel Kyte explains why she believes Janet Yellen, former head of the Federal Reserve, is “perfect” to carry out President Biden’s goal of making economic and climate policies one and the same. Kyte says, “Yellen has got a long track record of understanding the risk that carbon poses.” She adds that as Treasury Secretary, Yellen can increase the cost of carbon-based fuels while making polluters pay.




Warren Olney


Andrea Brody