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A Portrait of Life ­­-- and Survival ­­-- in Syria

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After five years, this week the civil war in Syria reached new levels of violence despite talk of an international commitment to a ceasefire. This week, Aleppo. Syria's largest city and a longtime rebel stronghold, became a new and bloody battlefield. At least 50 people died when bombs hit four separate medical facilities and schools in the province ­­ airstrikes that US officials have blamed on Russia and the Assad government. All of this despite a United Nations­brokered ceasefire agreement, which is supposed to go into effect tomorrow. What is life like in a country strafed by bombs, looted by war profiteers, in cities subject to siege and families divided by politics? We talk to reporters and aid workers about the unique toll terrorism, civil strife and violence take on Syrians who cannot, or will not leave their country.