Homeland Security Sticker Shock

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When President Bush appointed Tom Ridge as Director of Homeland Security, he asked for a "honeymoon" from Congressional criticism. Ridge promised a "blueprint" by July 1. Six months later, all we know is that America is still on "yellow alert" and further attacks remain a "significant risk." With 38 billion dollars at stake, Ridge will appear today before a classified Congressional subcommittee. With airports, nuclear plants, food and water supplies all at risk, what will it take to secure the world's most open society? We look at the task ahead and the resources to accomplish it, with an expert who testified before the Senate Appropriations Committee, Republican Saxby Chambliss, chair of the House Intelligence Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security, and Jane Harman, the ranking Democrat on that committee.
  • Newsmaker: Andersen's Duncan Turns Witness for Prosecution
    In a Houston courtroom yesterday, David Duncan pleaded guilty to obstruction of justice and stated that Andersen shred documents pertaining to Enron "so they would be unavailable" to federal investigators. Kurt Eichenwald, senior writer for the New York Times, says that Duncan's testimony severely undermines Andersen's defense that they committed no crime.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Musharraf Seeks Five More Years in Power
    Yesterday in Lahore, Pakistan's President addressed a crowd bussed in to hear the first speech of his political career. After seizing power in a bloodless coup three years ago, General Pervez Musharraf has begun a campaign to extend his rule by referendum. Journalist-author Ahmed Rashid assesses the security of the Pakistani regime as well as that of the entire Central Asian region.



New York Times

Office of Homeland Security

House Intelligence Subcommittee on Terrorism and Homeland Security

House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

Roll Call

Senate Appropriations Committee

Far Eastern Economic Review

Jihad: The Rise of Militant Islam in Central Asia



Warren Olney