- Newsmaker: American Youth Soccer Organization Bans Adults for Brawling - The American Youth Soccer Organization has issued its toughest punishment ever, levying a lifetime ban on three adults who got into a fight at a youth soccer game in San Juan Capistrano, California. Scott Gold, of the Los Angeles Times has more on this latest effort to control an increasing trend of adult violence at children's games.
- Reporter's Notebook: Cheney Task Force Data Demanded - Vice President Cheney's energy task force met with 130 interest groups, from union leaders and environmentalists to representatives of the oil, gas, coal and nuclear power industries. Now a bloc of Democrats and Republicans want to uncover the identity and aim of those advisors. California Congressman Henry Waxman is one of them.
American Youth Soccer Organization
Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police
European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction in Portugal
Office of National Drug Control Policy