FBI - Public Investigators or Secret Society?

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Timothy McVeigh's execution has been postponed so that his attorneys can look over 3100 pages of evidence they've never seen before. The FBI admits to misplacing the documentation during the course of their investigation of the convicted Oklahoma City bomber. As FBI credibility in cases like Waco, Ruby Ridge, Wen Ho Lee, Birmingham, and McVeigh generate public debate over the country's most powerful law enforcement agency, we examine the bureau's public image and private culture of secrecy with experts on the law and security, including two former FBI agents.
  • Newsmaker: Supreme Court Rules Out "Medical Marijuana" - Voters in eight states have approved ballot initiatives allowing the use of medical marijuana, and Hawaii legalized it by legislative act. But today the US Supreme Court ruled unanimously that Congress intended to ban its use under federal law. What does the decision mean for Wayne Justman, director of the San Francisco Patients Resource Center?
  • Reporter's Notebook: The Whole World is Watching - The US economy, once the powerful engine that pulled the world, has stalled. Recently, banks around the world have slashed interest rates in a seemingly coordinated effort to prevent a global recession. David Francis, of the Christian Science Monitor, says that all eyes are now on the Federal Reserve to see what it will do tomorrow.

Christian Science Monitor


Federal Reserve

The Nation

San Francisco Patients Resource Center

Southern Poverty Law Center

US Supreme Court



Warren Olney