Enron, Dot-Coms and the Demise of the New Economy

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What ever happened to the new economy? First the dot-coms, now Enron have faded away, along with billions of dollars and the confidence of investors. Both investors and financial advisors are licking their wounds after being taken in by a business culture that "financialized" rather that produced, valued recklessness over common sense, and capitalized on the gullibility of Wall Street and the media. We analyze what these colossal failures have in common, with the experts who follow the players, crunch the numbers, and advise the investors, including a energy specialist who advised against buying stock in Enron and in dot-coms.
  • Newsmaker: American Talib John Walker Lindh in US Court
    John Walker Lindh appeared in public today for the first time since he was seized in Afghanistan. The 20-year old Californian is accused of helping al Qaeda terrorists and fighting with the Taliban against American forces. Brooke Masters, who is following the proceedings for The Washington Post, offers a look at rhetoric inside and outside the North Virginia federal courthouse.
  • Reporter's Notebook: Mauling Dog Trial
    One year ago in San Francisco, a woman died in a dog attack so gruesome that police who responded to the scene required counseling. The case already has led to a new state law holding dog owners responsible for such attacks. Today, in Los Angeles, the owners of the two dogs went on trial. Jaxon van Derbeken, of the San Francisco Chronicle, reports on the charges, change of venue and the defendants' bizarre connection to an Aryan prison gang.

The Washington Post


Behind The Numbers

Dow 36,000

The Money Culture

The New New Thing: A Silicon Valley Story

Next: The Future Just Happened

Prudent Bear Mutual Fund

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San Francisco Chronicle



Warren Olney