- Making News: Israel Arrests Hamas Leaders, Buzzes Home of Syrian President
As the quid pro quos continue, Israel has rounded up at least 64 ministers and lawmakers from the Palestinians' ruling Hamas Party. Ilene Prusher, Jerusalem Bureau Chief for the Christian Science Monitor, has an update. - Reporter's Notebook: Foreign Correspondents in America
In the age of globalization, America's image matters more than ever before. It is shaped in large part by foreign correspondents in the US. Who are they? How has technology changed the way they report their stories? What are they saying about America? Stephen Hess, who's worked for Presidents of both parties, is senior fellow emeritus at the Brookings Institution and author of Through Their Eyes.
Israel on arrest of Hamas leaders
Prusher's article on Israel's latest moves into Gaza
Hamdan v Rumsfeld, US Supreme Court on
Combatant Status Review Tribunal
Rasul v Bush, US Supreme Court on (2004)
Lithwick's article on Hamdan decision
Washington Legal Foundation on Hamdan v Rumsfeld
Denbeaux's profile of Guant--namo detainees
President Bush and Prime Minister Koizumi, joint press conference of