Is High-Stakes Testing the Ruin of School Reform?
In Atlanta, 35 teachers and administrators were indicted this week for conspiring to raise student scores on standardized tests. In El Paso, a former superintendent’s in prison for putting kids in the wrong grade, pushing them out of school or preventing them from enrolling—so that test scores would meet high standards of accountability. Texas spends more on standardized testing than any other state. It’s where George W. Bush got the idea for “No Child Left Behind,” which evolved into “Race to the Top” under Barack Obama.
- Gayle Fallon - Houston Federation of Teachers
- Michael Petrilli - Thomas Fordham Foundation - @MichaelPetrilli
- Deborah Sigman - California Department of Education - @CADeptEd
- Robert Schaeffer - National Center for Fair and Open Testing - @FairTestOffice