In the late 70's, Iran popularized the slogan -death to America.- Today, it has a moderate government struggling to make changes in a regime still run by Islamic clerics, but one that also has the international community worried about a possible nuclear weapons program well underway. As the International Atomic Energy Agency determines what to do about such reports, protesting students clash with vigilantes in the streets of Tehran over regime change, and expatriate Iranians beam satellite television programs urging revolution into Iran. Guest host Sara Terry considers what it all means for a country President Bush labeled as part of an axis of evil, with journalists, the expatriate head of Persian satellite TV, a former White House aide during the Iranian hostage crisis, and a national security expert from the Council on Foreign Relations.
- Making News: Governor Keating Set to Resign from Church Review Panel
Frank Keating is set to hand in his resignation letter today, as he steps down from his post as head of the sexual abuse oversight panel for the US Roman Catholic Church. The former Oklahoma governor angered church officials and panel members last week when he referred to some bishops as behaving like -the cosa nostra.- The Los Angeles Times- Larry Stammer interviewed Keating and reported his controversial comments. - Reporter's Notebook: Private Jesse Halling, Casualty of War and Its Aftermath
Private Jesse Halling was only 19 years old when he died in Iraq earlier this month, one of several dozen US soldiers who have died in that country since Baghdad fell on April 9. William Booth of the Washington Post profiles the life and death of the young private credited with going above and beyond the call of duty to save his fellow soldiers.
Guest host
Sara Terry is an award-winning writer and photographer who has written for the Christian Science Monitor, the New York Times, Fast Company, Rolling Stone and the Boston Globe. Her current photo-documentary project is
Aftermath: Bosnia's Long Road to Peace. Stammer's article,
Governor Frank Keating
National Review Board
US Conference of Catholic Bishops
Cardinal Roger Mahony
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
President Khatami
Tett's article,
Hughes' article,
Booth's article, "US Soldier Braved Ghosts In Darkness"