- Making News: Payments for Settlers Who Leave the Gaza Strip?
Senior Israeli cabinet ministers today approved the payment of cash advances to Jewish settlers who will be forced to leave their homes under Ariel Sharon's plans to withdraw from the disputed Gaza Strip and part of the West Bank. The Jerusalem Post's Etgar Lefkovitz says the vote marks the government's first concrete step towards implementing the relocation plan that has drawn the wrath of opponents and death threats against the Prime Minister. - Reporters Notebook: Politics Feeling Increasing Impact of Bloggers
If you think you've got a political accusation that will stick, you might want to think twice. 60 Minutes had barely aired its investigation of President Bush's National Guard record, before conservative bloggers attacked the report online, putting CBS on the defensive in less than 24 hours. Brian Montopoli of Columbia Journalism Review Campaign Desk, reports on the Internet's powerful use as a discrediting tool for activists.
- Daily Kos (Markos Moulitsas Z--niga)
- Drudge Report (Matt Drudge)
- Eschaton (Duncan Black)
- Free Republic (Jim Robinson)
- Little Green Footballs (Charles Johnson, Michael Johnson)
- Power Line (John Hinderaker, Scott Johnson, Paul Mirengoff)
- Instapundit (Glenn Reynolds)
- Talking Points Memo (Joshua Micah Marshall)
Jerusalem Post article on Israeli cabinet's approval to issue settler compensation
Afghanistan, Islamic Traditional State of
US Government on rebuilding Afghanistan
60 Minutes segment on President Bush's National Guard duty
Columbia Journalism Review's Blog Report
Kitty Kelly's The Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty