One Thing Leads to Another

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In February, we heard about the culture of secrecy within the Jehovah’s Witnesses. Reveal reporter Trey Bundy told us how the Witnesses’ religious hierarchy was keeping allegations of  child sexual abuse from law enforcement and how the organization’s policies allowed perpetrators to strike again and again.

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Reporter Trey Bundy investigates another case of alleged sexual abuse in Oklahoma and learns more
about the practices by Jehovah’s Witnesses that help to keep a community silent.
Photo: Marsha Erwin for Reveal

Since our story aired, Bundy has fielded hundreds of messages from people relaying their experiences as Jehovah’s Witnesses. These messages reinforce our findings that sexual abuse is not an isolated problem within the religious organization.

Bundy also travels to Oklahoma to meet a woman who says she was shunned by the Jehovah’s Witnesses after accusing an elder of abusing her.

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Debbie McDaniel (top L) is shown with her brother, sister, mother and father before she was
by the Jehovah’s Witnesses and shunned by her family.
Photo courtesy of Debbie McDaniel


Do you remember Ted Liming? He’s a truck driver from North Dakota we met in an earlier episode. He was looking for a safe place to invest a substantial sum of money and stumbled upon when searching online for, well, secure investments. Spoiler alert: It was a scam.

Ted’s not-so-excellent adventure into the world of foreign exchange trading led David Evans, an investigative reporter for Bloomberg Markets Magazine, to another story that’s affected thousand of people and, more specifically, their wallets.

Evans takes us to the Caribbean, where we meet Jared Martinez – a character who oozes swagger and runs the largest school for ex trading in the US. We also meet one of his  former students, who ended up in jail for bilking investors out of millions of dollars.

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Advertising in Jamaican newspapers, Jared Martinez invited invesetors
to take his forex trading courses – at $8,000 a pop.
Photo: Market Traders Institute


In April, we learned that schoolchildren in Virginia have been referred to police at almost three times the national rate – and many of these students have special needs or are African American. 

Susan Ferriss of the Center for Public Integrity introduced us to Kayleb Moon-Robinson, a sixth-grader with autism who was charged with disorderly conduct and felony assault based on incidents at school.

We catch up with Kayleb and take a look at the impact this story has made since it first aired. Local and state officials now are re-examining how children are dealt with in schools.

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Kayleb Moon-Robinson, who is diagnosed as autustic, had barely started sixth grade
in Lynchburg, Virginia, when he faced criminal charges after acting out in school.
Photo: Charlie Archambault/Center for Public Integrity 


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Al Letson