How 9/11 unfolded, moment by moment

Eighteen years ago this morning, the United States was under attack. Two planes plowed into the World Trade Center, one plane into the Pentagon, and another crashed in Pennsylvania. The death toll: 2,996 people. It took a long time to come to that number. September 11, 2001 was chaos. 

A new book traces that day, moment to moment. It includes firsthand accounts of what happened from people who fled the World Trade Center, the first responders, the media covering the attack, and the people in charge of the country. The book is “ The Only Plane In The Sky: An Oral History of 9/11 .”

The cover of “The Only Plane In The Sky: An Oral History of 9/11." Credit: Simon and Schuster.



  • Garrett Graff - journalist, a historian and the author of “When the Sea Came Alive: An Oral History of D-Day” - @vermontgmg