What happens if Eric Garcetti leaves as LA mayor to become ambassador to India?

Last week, Axios broke news that the White House might consider LA Mayor Eric Garcetti for a high-profile diplomatic post: ambassador to India. He was previously considered as a possible nominee for transportation secretary under Biden, but that appointment later went to Pete Buttigieg, Indiana’s former mayor. So what would happen if Garcetti were to leave his post in LA before the end of his term?

Meanwhile, last week a bar owner in San Joaquin County was arrested for selling fake COVID-19 vaccine cards. The Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control says undercover agents bought four fake cards from the bar during the investigation, paying $20 a piece. The Associated Press reports the agents wrote their names and birthdates on Post-It notes, then bar employees cut the cards, filled in the information, added a fake vaccination date, and then laminated each card.

