Press Play with Madeleine Brand Is this the most Evangelical White House ever? Aug. 07, 2017 Listen 49 min MORE Photo of the White House courtesy of Tim Evanston From this Episode: Sanctuary cities fight Trump administration on withholding federal funds Governor Jerry Brown said he wants some changes to California’s so-called sanctuary state bill, which would ban state and local law enforcement from using their resources to... 5 min Can Democrats take the House in 2018? California is key to flipping the House in next year’s elections to the Democrats. But Republican incumbents still hold an advantage when it comes to money. We also find out... 8 min The role of Christianity in Trump's White House Pastor Ralph Drollinger runs a weekly bible study in the White House. About a dozen Cabinet members attend, as well as CIA Director Mike Pompeo and Attorney General Jeff... 14 min Ebola crisis breaks out during journalist's trip Despite best-laid vacation plans, things don’t quite work out. We present a week-long series on travel horror stories. Today's first story comes from journalist Jim Burress,... 11 min Will the Dodgers win the World Series this year? We talk about why the Dodgers have been doing so well and what’s up with the Angels. They’re doing well too. 9 min Credits Host: Madeleine Brand Producers: Gina Pollack, Sarah Sweeney, Michell Eloy, Amy Ta, Christian Bordal, Quinn O'Toole