Critics review “Spiral,” the ninth installment in the Saw film series, which follows a rookie detective and his veteran partner as they investigate a murder case; “Those Who Wish Me Dead,” stars Angelina Jolie as an isolated firefighter working in the Montana wilderness; Mélanie Laurent stars in “Oxygen,” a French thriller about a woman sleeping in a cryogenic chamber who suddenly wakes up; “The Killing of Two Lovers,” tells the story of one man trying to keep his family together as he separates from his wife.
‘Oxygen’ star Melanie Laurent 'masterfully delivers' minimalist performance, says critic
- Tim Grierson - senior U.S. critic for Screen International, author of “This Is How You Make a Movie" - @TimGrierson
- Shawn Edwards - film critic at Fox 4 News and co-founder of the African American Film Critics Association