“Torn” is a new documentary about world-renowned mountain climber Alex Lowe and how his family coped following his 1999 death in the Himalayas. “When his body was discovered and our family made the decision to go back to Tibet together to recover his remains and put him to rest, it brought all that [trauma] back to the surface for me. … I think coming out of that trip was really the impetus for me in wanting to make ‘Torn,’” says filmmaker Max Lowe.
With the Omicron variant in the U.S., President Joe Biden announced new plans today to mitigate COVID spread, which includes ensuring insurers pay back members for costs of at-home COVID tests.
Around 150 million people around the world could be forced to move because of climate change within the next few decades, according to the World Bank. Climate migration is already happening in California and reshaping political environments.
Finally, critics review the newest films: “Flee,” “Benedetta,” “The Hand of God,” “Drive My Car,” and “The Power of the Dog.”