Shame, Speedboats & Trade

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In a 1995 book, likely presidential candidate Jeb Bush lamented that we no longer stigmatize having children out of marriage. Do we need more shame in our lives? Keli Goff says she agrees that stigmas can be good for encouraging cultural boundaries. The New York Times published a story critical of Sen. Marco Rubio's finances. Rich Lowry says the coverage is laughably tendentious and unfair. Hillary Clinton announces she's running for president, again. What can Republicans do to capture more of the Black vote? Keli Goff says presidential candidates need to focus on improving federal government policy like criminal justice reform and school choice. House Democrats break with the president and deal Obama a blow on trade reform. Bob Scheer is happy to see it and says he's surprised we have some integrity on the Democratic side.

Josh Barro (New York Times) moderates from the Center. On the Left is Robert Scheer ( Rich Lowry (National Review) is on the Right. And Keli Goff (Daily Beast) is our special guest.

Photo: Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) speaks about the House vote on trade at a press conference, June 12, 2015.