Crunch Time for the Candidates | Left, Right & Center | KCRW

Crunch Time for the Candidates

Hosted by , and

It's final argument time for the presidential campaign, but the news keeps on coming. Post-tropical Superstorm Sandy leaves lives, attitudes and polls in turmoil. Will an endorsement from New York City Mayor Bloomberg for President Obama and rave reviews from the New Jersey governor change minds? Was climate change a factor in the storm? We'll soon find out if it becomes one in the election. Positive job growth means President Obama can declare that more people are working than when he took office. But there are still disheartening numbers for income and business investment. The election will come down to voting numbers, and we still don't know about a clear victory via the electoral college versus popular vote. What would a Romney presidency do to Obamacare? We get a Matt-fight and a male-bashing session on this week's Left, Right & Center. (Matthew Continetti joins us with the conservative view.)