Secretary of State John Kerry joins talks in Geneva in hopes of a deal to freeze Iran's nuclear program. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says it would be the deal of the century for Iran if it goes through, and that Israel will not support it. Do elections results show the country leaning Left? Right? Somewhere in between? Bill de Blasio was elected to become the first Democratic mayor of New York City in 20 years. We listen to a clip from the Lorde song that he played when he walked in to his victory party. Will Chris Christie be the Republican Bill Clinton? President Obama says he's sorry, and so does 60 Minutes. (Rich Lowry joins us on the Right.)
Banner image; Liberal Democrat Bill de Blasio and his wife Chirlane smile onstage during his election victory party at the Park Slope Armory in New York November 5, 2013. Photo: Carlo Allegri/Reuters