Fishbone: ‘All We Have Is Now’

Formed in Los Angeles in 1979, the familyhood known as Fishbone shares “All We Have Is Now,” a sentiment with which we’re familiar but can be hard to grasp in our everyday lives. 

Founding member Norwood Fisher says it best: “Sometimes a note-to-self finds its way to the song form. 'All We Have Is Now' is a prime example. Philosophically, it’s far from a new concept. Eckard Tolle, Alan Watts, Joseph Campbell, and many others have contemplated and pontificated on this topic — the pursuit of self inquest, in the hopes of experiencing an extended, extraordinary sense of Being. The song, wrapped in a fully blown Fishbone party, reminds me to take advantage of the gift of the ever-present now. Feel free to interpret it however it speaks to you. Ain’t nuttin’ buttah pawty…” 

See Fishbone LIVE
Sunday, May 21 - Fishbone open for Les Claypool’s Flying Frog Brigade @ The Observatory North Park - San Diego





Ariana Morgenstern