Morning Becomes Eclectic Vance Joy Hosted by Jason Bentley Feb. 21, 2014 Best New Music Listen 45 min MORE Aussie singer-songwriter Vance Joy has a knack for catchy melodies. He brings us some new songs and much more on Morning Becomes Eclectic at 11:15am. Playlist 03:00EmmylouVance JoyAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live06:00From AfarVance JoyAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live11:00RedeyeVance JoyAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live16:00Interview With Jason BentleyVance JoyAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live24:00Wasted TimeVance JoyAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live29:00SnaggletoothVance JoyAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live36:00Play With FireVance JoyAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live41:00RiptideVance JoyAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live Credits Guest: Vance Joy - @vancejoy Host: Jason Bentley Producer: Ariana Morgenstern