Morning Becomes Eclectic Dean and Britta Hosted by Jason Bentley Jun. 18, 2009 Best New Music Listen 43 min MORE L'Avventura(Double Feature) Dean & Britta perform and talk about their new projects on Morning Becomes Eclectic at 11:15am. Playlist 45:00I Found it Not SoDean and BrittaAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live48:00I'll Keep it with MineDean and BrittaAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live53:00Silver FactoryDean and BrittaAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live1:06:00Knives From BavariaDean and BrittaAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live1:11:00Eyes in My SmokeDean and BrittaAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live1:16:00SnowstormDean and BrittaAlbumKCRW Live PerformanceLabelKCRW Live Credits Guests: Britta Phillips Dean Wareham - @WarehamDean Host: Jason Bentley Producer: Ariana Morgenstern