KCRW Broadcast 616

Fanatic! I hope your week was great. No, really! I know. Things have been kind of mind-blowing and draining as of late. This is one of the reasons we gather a bunch of music together every week to neutralize what came at us days before.

Don’t look at the list just yet. We have, as you were warned last week about, a tremendous second hour with Joy Division’s 1978 Arrow Studios RCA Sessions. The songs go by so fast. I was listening to them last night and it’s a great album.

Cool new/newish records we’re checking out tracks from Body Double, Beechwood, the Bobby Lees, TV Smith, Lamps, Osees, Pumice and Richard Rose.

I’ve heard tell that people are finally getting their Osees Weirdo Hairdo vinyl. I hope mine is at the mail pick up place I’ll be going by today. I took my first listen to Panther Rotate on vinyl last night. Looking forward to getting into that one again soon, there’s a lot to hear.

I sometimes get a little concerned that we slow things down a little with playing an entire record but now and then, I think it’s worth it. I choose sparingly. Many years ago, a radio joke was that DJs would put on Dark Side Of The Moon so they could have a smoke break. That’s not what’s happening here!

We hope you like the show. Have a great weekend, what’s left of it, prepare yourself for yet another “eventful” week that will be taught in classes for centuries to come and STAY FANATIC!!!

–– Henry

